Monday, May 18, 2009

Ruffle-y Apron Gift

I saw a ruffle-y apron at Anthology a few weeks ago and thought it looked fun so... I made one as a birthday present. In this project I am, once again, loving my serger which is now broken because I tried to sew through a piece of piping while unecessarily serging the edges of a pillowcase for my niece (darn it!) I already took it to the sewing store to be fixed (in TWO WEEKS and around $50). But anyway...
Lots of sewing going on in my house these days (why oh why does it have to be nice outside? why did I wait until SPRING to get a new machine?) so there will be more pictures to come. I'm about to start a new (waaaaaay overdue) baby quilt but I'm hoping it will be quick because I'm currently loving the fast projects. There's just something so satisfying about starting and finishing in the same day (or two).
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