Sunday, August 13, 2006

8 out of 10

My husband works really hard and often works long hours. Fine. I completely agree. I still think he should help out around the house. It's a big job and it's never ending. I mostly want him to just pick up after himself. I will capture some evidence about how he leaves everything out and lying around in another post. This post is about a particular incident from last month.

My daughter was sick (coxsackie). It had been a long day for me. I think he had to actually cook dinner, which happens about once a month. The kitchen was a disaster. I asked him to clean it. He is notoriously "bad" at cleaning the kitchen, so he says and has proven through great effort for at least two years. I was exhausted from being up all night with my daughter and spending all day holding her and trying to get her to eat or drink. When my husband said the kitchen was finished I asked him to give himself a grade before I went to see it. He gave himself an "8 out of 10"

This is what I found...

1 comment:

Belinda said...

OMG that's so funny - I was going to start a blog category called 'what i found on my kitchen bench' My husband left a PRUNING SAW on the bench for three days so I took a photo. Nice to know it's happening on the other side of the world...